Finding, Hiring and Retaining Excellent Revenue Cycle Employees

Finding, hiring and holding on to good employees is an ongoing and important part of building a quality revenue cycle team and ensuring a successful ASC. As the financial health of your ASC is dependent on the quality of this team, it’s important to have a plan. Here are five recommendations to help you develop strong processes.

1. Determine qualifications. What qualifications are needed in revenue cycle employees? These vary by the position you are trying to fill. The following checklists outline important credentials that you need to consider when searching for the best candidates to be a part of your revenue cycle team.

Coder — Due to the specialized knowledge needed to be a coder, credentialing requirements are different than other revenue cycle team members. It's important to choose your coder(s) wisely; a good coder can optimize your reimbursement while remaining compliant.


  • Certification (AHIMA, AAPC)

  • ASC experience preferred

  • Surgical coding experience required

  • Knowledge of compliance requirements

  • Stays current on coding changes

  • Willing to research

  • Good language skills

Charge Poster / Payment Poster / Collector — Requirements for each of these revenue cycle staff members are similar and require all or a portion of the qualifications listed as follows.


  • ASC experience preferred

  • Basic medical terminology

  • Managed care organization, Medicare, Medicaid experience

  • Familiarity with codes and modifiers

  • Windows/Microsoft Office/ASC software experience

  • Good language skills

2. Craft targeted advertising. Your ad should stress the need for healthcare experience and computer knowledge as well as outline a description of the position to be filled. There are numerous online platforms through which you can promote your job opening, from Indeed, LinkedIn and Google to job boards hosted by the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association and associations representing revenue cycle professionals (e.g., AAPC). Place the ad in the healthcare section of these platforms (if available) or look through the resumes already posted on these sites. You may also want to place an ad in your local newspaper.

To avoid frequent phone interruptions, request resumes and cover letters be sent to a generic e-mail address (e.g.,

3. Allocate appropriate time for interviews. After reviewing resumes and deciding which applicants to interview, call the applicant and inform them that they will need to allow at least an hour for the interview. It is advisable to test applicants on the knowledge required for their position help you better gauge qualification.

4. Develop meaningful test. Test applicants on general reimbursement knowledge. Have them rate their computer skills as well as skills specific to the position. Coding applicants should be asked to code several sample operative notes. Provide necessary coding references that can be used during the test.

5. Focus on more than just the resume.  When interviewing potential revenue cycle staff, review resumes thoroughly, checking for the type and length of pertinent experience (e.g., billing for a plumbing company does not compare to billing for a surgery center). While experience is important, staff members also need to be well spoken and pleasant. Ask pertinent questions based on position requirements (e.g., "Is there a difference between co-pays and deductibles?"). Ensure the candidate has listed references and granted permission to contact these references.

Setting a Hire Up for Success

A top-notch revenue cycle team requires good employees supported by strong leadership. After hiring the best applicant(s), provide them with a detailed job description, outlining their specific duties in the reimbursement process. Audit their work regularly and review the audit findings with the employee, helping that individual improve their work performance and your ASC's performance in the process.

At least monthly, share the increase/decrease in collections with all members of your revenue cycle team and ask for suggestions as to how the process can be improved. Reward substantial increases (e.g., provide lunch). A motivated staff will work harder and ultimately be more successful.

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