ASC Business Office Staff Tasklists: Payment Poster

These tips, part of an ongoing series that identifies ASC business office staff positions and provides suggested responsibilities for auditing purposes and evaluating employee progress, focus on the Payment Poster.

Payment Poster

1. Understands:

2. Posts payments to patient accounts on date received.

3. If third-party payment is accurate, transfers balance to self-pay or secondary insurance.

4. For self-pay, send to appropriate staff member to send patient statement.

5. For secondary insurance, send to charge poster/biller for claim submission.

6. Initiate appeals for erroneous payments or denial of payment.

7. Enter reasons for denials in denial log.

8. If denial is for lack of information, send additional information requested immediately.

9. If denial is for erroneous information (e.g., name spelling, insurance ID number), correct errors and resubmit.

10. If denial is for coding error, forward to coder for review and resubmission.

11. Forward to collector for follow-up.

12. If overpayment, initiate credit balance process and send to management for approval.

13. Prepare deposit and balance to payment report.

14. Place appropriate notes in patient account.

The next set of tips in this series will focus on the Admitting Receptionist. Access other tips in this series on ASC business office staff tasklists.

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